Backup Protection

Resilient backup, seamless recovery

You may have already been unfortunate enough to witness a customer hardware failure or a network compromise, where important data was lost.

If not, a sudden hardware failure, or compromise, can wipe a customer’s client records, confidential data, projects, databases and more, within minutes. Tackling the fallout can often be very difficult, time consuming and lead to huge monetary, reputational and data loss.

Your customers need to be able to get back on track, rapidly.

This is where you, as an MSP, can help them.

An effective Backup and Disaster Recovery solution is your customer’s lifeline, ensuring there’s always a way back from the brink.

If you use the right tools, their files can be retrieved, operations resumed seamlessly, and their reputation restored, and it cements your reputation as a trusted partner who can be relied on in a crisis.

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Solutions that prepare you for anything

As an MSP, you’ve seen it all – the fear of data loss, the nightmare of downtime, and the pressure to protect against evolving threats.

Our Disaster Recovery and Backup solutions cover all the essentials to help mitigate these risks with your customers.

Back up everything

Protect all data

Recover quickly

Ensure compliance

Backup protection explained

Need to know more about Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions, and why they are so important to your customers?


Backup Solutions

Enhanced backup solutions protect your customer data, prevent loss and increase trust in your services. Our best-in-class vendors ensure regular, automated backups for critical files, databases and systems.

Disaster Recovery Solutions

These tools swiftly restore business operations when the worst happens, minimising downtime and mitigating knock-on effects, like regulatory infractions and reputational damage. Our best-in-class solutions help achieve business continuity and reduce the impact of data loss.


SaaS Application Backup

SaaS applications can be protected with robust, automated backups and quick recovery options – to ensure data protection, compliance and customer confidence. Our top vendors can safeguard cloud-based data from Office 365, G Suite, CRMs and more.

Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

This type of backup protects cloud data from deletion, malicious activity, and service provider outages. Our vendors’ cloud-to-cloud backup solutions can enhance security, reduce vulnerability and provide your customers with peace of mind.

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Find the right security solution

Find the solutions that fit your business

Confused by the wide range of Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions?

We can help.

Talk to our team and we’ll develop a solution stack that fully meets your needs.

Together, we’ll create an IT environment where risks are managed effectively, your systems are secure and you can deliver superior services with confidence.

Get expert help from intY

We’re here to support you with all the guidance, tools and resources you need:

Industry experts

Industry experts

We provide advice and support for your specific needs.

Security review

Security review

We’ll evaluate and strengthen your network and security setup.

Vendor matching

Vendor matching

We’ll find the perfect vendor for your business and customers.

Build your skills

Build your skills

We can provide the knowledge and training your team needs to succeed.

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